Monday, June 2, 2008

Davis's Kindergarten Graduation!

Today was Davis's Kindergarten Graduation program and I'll admit it--I cried! It wasn't just because up there was my little boy, singing and dancing his heart out--"We're ready for First Grade, First Grade!" to the tune of "New York, New York." And it wasn't just because he was as cute as can be, complete with happy yellow tie and a look of innocent anticipation plastered all over his face. It was during the slideshow that the realization hit me--this is the beginning and the end, the end and the beginning. It's the end of everything preschool. It's the end of half-days and snacks. The end of a whole lot of firsts--first field trip, first school lunch, first ride on the bus. But it's also the beginning. The beginning of all-day learning for the next 12 years. The beginning of a whole stream of friends and eventually girlfriends that will come into his life. The beginning of being a bona fide , grown-up kid. The beginning of a whole slew of choices he will have the opportunity to make. The beginning of the path he will take for the rest of his life. Anyway, it just kind of got to me. Made me sad and excited all at the same time.
Here is Davis with two of his best buddies--Joseph and Boone. When the kids walked into the auditorium, they all held hands with a partner, which I thought fostered a spirit of friendship and togetherness. (Only I'm not sure who the little girl is that he was holding hands with...)

Last Friday Davis was introduced to field day at the school, which, for me as a kid, was always one of the most looked-forward-to days of the whole year. Here he is running his brains out in a relay race to see which team could get the most toys out of a small pool and into a hoola hoop on the ground. I volunteered for the day and got placed in what is definitely the most envied station of the whole event--Mother's Revenge! A team of mothers (and one dad) used water guns to squirt kids while they traveled between rubber dots laid out on the ground. If a kid was on a dot, he was safe. But if a kid wasn't....he was fair game! Needless to say, most of the kids were begging to be drenched with water. My left bicep is probably bigger than my right from all the pumping and shooting I had to do that day!

1 comment:

Lindsey and Ben said...

Way to go Davis! Your pictures are way cute!