Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It's a Boy!!!

Although most of you have already heard, we had the ultrasound on Monday and found out that we're having a little boy. (Ha ha. Probably the rest of you didn't even know I was pregnant!) I was a bit surprised. I'd done all those tests on the internet and gone through all the old wives methods of determining the sex, including tying a piece of my hair to my wedding ring and dangling it over my stomach, and they ALL indicated I'd be having a girl. But, lo and behold, the ultrasound tech pointed out little boy parts, so there you go. Davis is, of course, ecstatic. I told him by handing him a blue lollipop and he jumped up and down, "I knew it! I knew you were having a boy!" He has already named our son Ash and says he's going to be a Pokemon trainer when he grows up. (You have to have some knowledge of Pokemon to know where that comes from--I, unfortunately. have my fair share.) Anyway, baby is healthy and still on track for his due date--February 26.


Lindsey and Ben said...

So So fun! We are excited for you guys! We can't wait to find out what we are having!

Brooklet said...

Congratulations! another little baby boy! Over here in my ward, everyone is having girls, good to hear there are boys too, so in 25 years, the dating scene will be balanced!