Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What's Up With Davis?

Davis is in first grade. Davis rides his bike to and from school BY HIMSELF every day. (Okay, it's only 2 blocks away, but still...that's responsibility!) Davis has lost 3 teeth since June and is working on a fourth as we speak. Davis had the opportunity of meeting a hero this summer at the Timpanogas Storytelling Festival--storyteller Bill Harley. It was a lot of fun meeting him and hearing stories live that we've only heard on tape before. He'll be there again next summer and if you've never gone, I highly recommend it. Visit for details.
I've also found that first grade is the era of note writing. As the kids really practice their penmanship, Davis has taken to writing me notes and leaving them under doors or on my desk. There are usually a lot of hearts involved. (I did not include the note that said, "Dear Mom. I'm sorry I hit you....") Every time I get one of these notes, it reminds me why I really do love being a mom.

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